Devin Akin

IoT Fly By

Just as we thought everything was stabilizing after the big BYOD rush…here comes its big brother…IoT.  As soon as you dig into the nuts and bolts of IoT, you realize that Wi-Fi infrastructure suddenly went from being “caught up” or in some cases “ahead of the curve”, to being way behind the curve again. ARGH!

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Validated WIPS

When the FCC recently ordered Marriott International and Marriott Hotel Services to pay a $600,000 fine for “jamming mobile hotspots” within their own facilities, the Wi-Fi world suddenly changed. There were a flurry of articles*, many happy businesses, some understandable “What were you thinking?!” rants, and some excellent verbal commentary on the topic. The containment

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Fiber-to-the-AP….Are You Completely Insane?

Fiber-to-the-AP? Have you lost your mind? Your homework assignment: …and let me tell you a brief story… Once upon a time…in a land only 3 hours from my home…there lived a healthcare provider.  This particular healthcare provider has recently asked some VARs in the area to bid on their business. The network is

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When our brother Keith Parsons took that historic swing on that faithful day in February 2014, he knocked the ball over the cheap seats, out of the stadium, and into the parking lot. It was the shot heard around the Wi-Fi industry. It was the Wi-Fi event of the year. It was Sid Bream’s slide. It was Hank

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