I’ve worked with and known Devin Akin for almost fifteen years, and was first introduced to Devin through the CWNP program around 2001. Since that time, I’ve gained my CWNE certification, and consulted & taught Wi-Fi globally (BT in the UK, Skytel in the Netherlands, and Ascom in Switzerland). I’ve met hundreds of wireless professionals, and I would be hard-pressed to name any one of them as more knowledgeable than Devin. This is due in large part to his history of vendor neutrality, which has allowed him to keep his finger on the pulse of Wi-Fi technology as a whole and not just the latest/greatest from one vendor. My experience with experts in IT goes way back to1983 with IBM big iron, so I’ve been around the block a couple of times and seen my share of “flash in the pan” gurus. I’m taking the time to write this blurb for Devin, because he is the real deal guru.